SoftEther VPN Behind HAProxy

Thought I would share because the other other related source I know of is this. For those who don't know, SoftEther VPN is a VPN software that disguises itself as https traffic to be able to hide it's presence, so I wanted to be able to host both it and a normal webserver on port 443. Below is a rough copied version of my HAProxy config that I made to do this.  

timeout client 30s
timeout server 30s
timeout connect 5s

frontend ft_tcp
    mode tcp
    bind *:443

    #delay required so it has time to actually get the required information for the SE backend
    tcp-request inspect-delay 5s
    #Don't know what this is for
    tcp-request content accept if { req_ssl_hello_type 1 }

    #Redirect traffic to the softether server if the subdomain is "xyz"
    use_backend bk_softether if { req_ssl_sni -i }
    #Otherwise use the normal https backend
    default_backend bk_tcp_to_https

backend bk_softether
  mode tcp
  server server-se

backend bk_tcp_to_https
    mode tcp
    #Because I have to casecade the connection, I need send-proxy to preserver the client ip or else %[src] evaluates to
    server haproxy-https check send-proxy

frontend ft_https
    mode http
    #Accept-proxy to get proper client information
    bind *:8443 ssl crt /path/to/certificate.pem accept-proxy

	#Do any other backend routing for other subdomains here and not in the first frontend as it is tcp based instead of http (ie see "mode tcp" and "mode http"
example haproxy.cfg some items are missing like any global declaratons, or other backends that I am using